Visit all Rwanda’s most hidden treasures in just 9 days. Consider our 9 Days Magical Adventure that to the Akagera with thousands of floras and faunas, Proceed to Nyungwe tropical forest famously known as the Home to the highest concentration of Chimpanzees, other primates, and birdlife species. A boat ride on Lake Kivu, visit the Rwanda genocide memorial centre, embark on beach life experience along Gisenyi beaches before driving for the most thrilling Gorilla encounter

Trip Highlights

  • Akagera national park
  • Kigali City Circuit
  • Chimpanzee Trekking
  • Nyungwe Forest
  • Genocide memory centre

Day 1: Kigali-Akagera National Park
Day 2: Akagera National Park
Day 3: Akagera National Park –Kigali City Circuit
Day 4: Kigali Genocide tour-Nyungwe
Day 5: Chimpanzee Trekking Nyungwe Forest
Day 6: Second Chimpanzee Trekking
Day 7: Kibuye and Gisenyi.

Day 8: Beach Vacation

Day 9: Gorilla Tracking


Day 1: Kigali-Akagera National Park

Upon your arrival at Kigali airport in Kigali drive to Akagera National Park which borders the stunning rising and falling plains, concrete broad-leafed forests and the brighter acacia woods that characterize its favorable nature to animals and visitors. Participate in an evening game drive to spot mammals like Giraffes, Buffaloes, Elephants, Crocodiles, Hippos Spotted Hyenas and masses of birds. Dinner and overnight at Akagera Game Lodge. Meal plan: Half-Board.


Day 2: Akagera National Park

Dawn game drive that will expose you to more animal species that you missed the earlier evening. Return to lodge for refreshment, breakfast and lunch and then after enjoy an afternoon thrilling boat cruise on Lake Ihema during which you will reach the Rwanda crowds of hippos and crocodiles plus many water birds and a variety of Reptiles. Return to lodge for dinner and overnight. Meal plan: Full-Board.


Day 3: Akagera National Park –Kigali City Circuit

After your morning breakfast return to Kigali for a drive to Nyanza and a visit to the Rwanda’s King’s Palace (Mwami’s). A local story teller is on hand to describe for you the facts about the pre-colonial kingdom. Drive to Butare for an excursion of the National Museum. Then advance to Gikongoro for a tour of the Genocide Memorials of Murambi. Dinner and overnight at Kigali Serena Hotel or Hotel Des Mille Collines. Meal plan: Full-Board.


Day 4: Kigali Genocide tour-Nyungwe

Begin with an ample tour to the genocide memorial centre and later drive to Nyungwe Forests. Dinner and Overnight at Nyungwe Forest Lodge/Nyungwe Guest House. Meal plan: Full-Board.


Day 5: Chimpanzee Trekking Nyungwe Forest

Early morning breakfast, later head to Nyungwe forest in a discovery of primates such as the great Chimpanzee & Nyungwe Columbus and other species in the park. Return to lodge for your picnic lunch, Evening nature walks to watch more birds and plant species. Return to lodge for dinner and overnight. Meal plan: Full-Board.

Day 6

Second Chimpanzee Trekking

Early morning cup of coffee and after enters into Nyungwe forest in search for chimpanzees after experience return to lodge for your lunch. In the afternoon, take a drive or a boat ride to Gisenyi on Lake Kivu arriving late in the afternoon. Dinner and Overnight at Bethanie Guest House. Meal plan: Full-Board.

Day 7

Day 7: Kibuye and Gisenyi

In the morning after your breakfast, visit to Kibuye. There are remarkable horrors of genocide that were committed here in 1994; there is a genocide memorial in the church near St Jean. Kibuye was hardest hit of all prefectures during the holocaust, with about 90% of the Tutsi population put to demise. Back to a reborn Kibuye, other than swimming spots around town, Kibuye Guest house puts forward water skiing and boat trips around the surrounding islands. In the afternoon, drive to Gisenyi. Dinner and overnight at Kivu Sun Hotel. Meal plan: Full-Board.

Day 8

Beach Vacation

In the morning, spend time in Gisenyi relaxing at the beaches. Or else you can have a boat trip to the islands of Lake Kivu or Goma. And in the afternoon, drive to Ruhengeri. Dinner and overnight at Gorilla Nest Hotel/Gorilla View Lodge. Meal plan: Full-Board.

Day 9

Gorilla Tracking

Early morning cup of coffee, after prepare for mountain gorilla tracking briefing from the authorities of the park. Thereafter set off for the track into the rain tropical forest searching for the habituated gorilla family unit. You keep around close to the eye-catching primates for about an hour watching and photographing them. Ensure that you bring with you packed lunch and water, rain gear, insect repellent, sun screen, hat and walkable shoes. Depending on the time you will spend while tracking you may choose to take an additional activity. Transfer to your lodge for dinner and overnight at the Gorilla Nest Hotel/Gorilla View Lodge. Meal plan: Full-Board.

Day 10


Today is dedicated for departures either back home or to your next destinations. End of services, Meal plan: Breakfast End of services, Meal plan: Half-Board.